Google Play Store is the only legitimate source to install apps to your android phone or tablet. Android apps are packed with the file extension “.*apk”.  An android application can be installed by clicking on its APK file. But normally you cannot download the APK file of an app or game from Google Play. Hopefully now, there’s an online free tool called “APK Downloader” developed by Evozi, an Android Developer. You don’t need to be logged-in to use it. This tool is specially very helpful when you have any problem downloading an app from play store on phone, or you have country restriction or you want to try an app that is not yet available for you phone or you want to transfer an app to your friend without internet connection.

APK Downloader Logo

Using APK Downloader to Download APK Files from Google Play

1. Go to and navigate to the app you want to download. For example, I’d like to download “Pixlr-o-matic” app, a cool photo editing tool by Pizlr. So I went to Pixlr-o-matic page. Then copy the URL of the page from browser address-bar.

Copy the App URL of Google Play Store

2. Go to APK Downloader page The paste the URL you copied (You can also only enter the package name. Here, my package name is pixlr.OMatic ). Then hit “Generate Download Link”!

Paste the URL

3. APK Downloader will fetch the package URL from Google’s server and retrieve the APK file to its own server. You will be given a download link to download it directly.
Download apk package
Now you transfer this file to your phone to install. That’s it! You are done!
Optional: You can also use their Chrome Extension to one-click download APKs without entering URL! In the following screenshot, see my Chrome extension configured! The chrome extension can be found at too. To configure the chrome extension, follow the guide provided there.

One Click Download APK with Chrome

As the APK file is directly pulled from Google Play server, it’s most likely the package is safe to install. This method is just like download apks using web-browser. You may face incompatibility issue if the app do not support your phone. Happy downloading. Let us know if you have any problem!


Jaber is a Programmer and Tech Enthusiast Geek from Dhaka, Bangladesh. He is the founder and Chief-Editor of TechGainer. While he is away from his keyboard, either he's fishing or messing with wildlife. In case, you can contact him at rijans[at]techgainer[dot]com.