benefits of using CD/DVD insertsMany people think that with the onset of online music, album CDs, DVDs will lose their importance.  So, the same will happen with CD inserts too. Do you carry the similar opinion? If yes, you might be wrong. The world of CD DVD and music technology has upgraded a lot. You will see music virtually marketed in online store.  But till today, music fans look to the CDs of their favorite artists. Therefore, CD insert printing has maintained the same value as it was. This is an integral part of CD production.

Here in this post we will discuss –

  1. How and why are CD inserts so much in news?
  2. How has CD insert printing technology improved?
  3. What are the benefits of CD printing to debut artists?

1. Popularity of CD inserts printing:

CD inserts are used for variety of reasons. The artists can put their credits on to it; tell stories about the music creation or put special comments of their choice. Sometimes CD inserts can be used to include photo gallery or to add pictures of the band/album owner. Album maker can gracefully use the insert for promotional activities also. Thus the need for CD printing has also increased over the years.

2. CD printing technology:

A number of advanced processes have come in place. In the past creating quality CD inserts was not in everyone’s forte. Only huge marketing departments with major labels and high printing resources could afford to make quality CD prints. Today the scenario has changed. Now CD insert printing companies can produce cd inserts at a fraction of previous costs. You just need to choose between two-panels to eight-panel inserts. Now anyone with standard PC or Mac can produce high-quality glossy photos with professional look.

3. Benefits:

CD inserts have given a visual dimension to artists which were not possible earlier. Now they can independently choose the design and art work material conducive to limited funds. Many a time debut artists are not financially able to spend on TV interviews or news paper ads. Therefore, CD inserts may benefit them while communicating with viewers. They can also attach lyrics or words to the song along on CD inserts.

Thus cd inserts and cd insert printing both have shown enough value to music industry.


I am a professional blogger and also technical writer.