Block Ads on Particular Websites on Chrome, Firefox and Safari using AdBlock

Advertisements are the primary revenue source for majority of average to low profit websites and TechGainer is no exception. Ads helps us continue our works here as it’s the only way we generate some revenue. Up to now, we don’t have products that can be sold directly to make money. But still, it’s your choice whether you should blocks ads on our site, or not.

Ads help businesses introduce interested people with their new products and help drive sales. The truth is, internet is full of advertisements. But this becomes worse when you encounter too much ads or ads that are really not related to you. Also, ads that hides the real content and forces you to go through it are really irritating and hampers your productively.

Block ads on Particular WebsitesBlock ads on Particular Websites

This may happen that you are a regular visitor of a website and they are screwing you with their disgusting ads that show up in stupid ways. In such situations you might want to block ads on those individual websites while allowing all other sites to show ads. There are many ad-blocking software and browsers extensions that works quite well. But most of them don’t come with the feature to block ads on particular websites while allowing rest of the sites to show ads.

After digging into some popular ad-blocker extensions for browsers, I have found AdBlock, authored by Michael Gundlach has this feature. With AdBlock, you can disable ads on specific websites without disabling ads globally. Thankfully this extension is available for some major browsers Chrome, Firefox and Safari.

How to Block Ads for Particular Sites on Chrome, Firefox or Safari

  1. Head to, and install the extension on your browser. Or use the following links: AdBlock for Chrome, Firefox add-on or Safari extension.
  2. After the installation, wait for successful installation notice.
  3. Now click on AdBlock toolbar icon, and click Options.
    Access AdBlock Options from ToolbarAccess AdBlock Options from Toolbar
  4. Head to CUSTOMIZE tab, and click on Show ads everywhere except for these domains.
    Go to Adblock CustomizationGo to Adblock Customization
  5. Now suppose, you want to block ads only on and Then enter the domains with the format|, and hit OK.
  6. You are done. From now on, you will see ads on all other sites except the sites you entered here.

Note: You can also manually edit the filter with manual editor section below.

Though I’ve shown it using Chrome, this AdBlock customization is similar on Firefox and Safari too. The AdBlock toolbar icon will be red when you are on a black-listed site.

No matter if certain websites are showing pornography ads or made your browser window jammed with annoying popups, AdBlock extension got you covered.


Jaber is a Programmer and Tech Enthusiast Geek from Dhaka, Bangladesh. He is the founder and Chief-Editor of TechGainer. While he is away from his keyboard, either he's fishing or messing with wildlife. In case, you can contact him at rijans[at]techgainer[dot]com.

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