Prevent Certain Sites form Appearing in Google Search Results without any Browser Extension or Plugin

Block spam links in Google searchBlock spam links in Google searchIf you use to search Google over the web very often, I’m sure that you’ve annoyed with many spammy websites which builds new pages for every keywords they find by their users. Then these sites makes these pages visible to search engines. When your Google search term matches with their titles they come up in front of you (Though Google is always trying it’s best to deliver best links). That’s very irritating. whenever you browse into that site, you don’t get what we expected!

So you may need a system to personally block these types of junk sites.

Some months ago I’ve shared about a Google chrome extension called “Personal Block List” which is intended to do this task. If installed, a link “Block ***” will be shown with the every link in search result. The big advantage of it is you can use it instantly whenever you need it because it’s always visible with Google search links and at the top-right corner of chrome. And disadvantage is it’s only for chrome.

But today while I was on preference page of google search, I found a way to block sites where you don’t need any extension. Because this system will use your Google account to store data. Advantage is you can use it for any browser. The main drawback is you cannot instantly access it as ‘personal block list’. You will always need to come to preferences page to add or remove sites.

Note: It’s only for logged-in users.

How to do it:

Click on the Gear icon at the top right corner of google then click “Search Settings” or directly go to .

Search settingsSearch settings

Now at the bottom of the preference page, find-out the field “Blocked Sites“. Click on “Manage Blocked Sites“.


Now you add site links which you don’t want to get on search.

block sitesblock sites

For example, I’ve added which I really hate for it’s spammy behavior.


Jaber is a Programmer and Tech Enthusiast Geek from Dhaka, Bangladesh. He is the founder and Chief-Editor of TechGainer. While he is away from his keyboard, either he's fishing or messing with wildlife. In case, you can contact him at rijans[at]techgainer[dot]com.

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