How to Disable Category Bundle on “Inbox by Gmail” on Android, iOS and Web

If you are unaware of Inbox, it’s the latest iteration of Google’s email service which is an alternative to Gmail. Unlike Gmail, Inbox focuses on simplicity and usability. In Gmail you may have overwhelmed by tons of emails, notifications and updates from today’s spammy social media networks. With Inbox, you never have to worry about unnecessary emails as it groups emails into categories with corresponding labels, while highlighting most important emails.

The most noticeable features of Inbox is, you can see you upcoming events or flight updates right from the screen without opening the message. It extracts key information from your emails and presents them with actionable link, thus you save your time. You can also snooze an email with one click so that Inbox notifies it to you again. You can also pin an email or set a reminder.

Inbox by Google bundles your emails into groupsInbox by Google bundles your emails into groups

However, like me, many of you may not like the bundling feature of Inbox which groups emails into categories like Travel, Purchases, Social, Forums, etc. If you want to see all of your emails in one plain row without grouping, you can simply disable it. You can prevent Inbox from doing it on all platforms. Follow the guide.

Disable Category Bundle on Web Inbox (

  1. Click on the main menu button from top-left corner. Then click Settings.
    Access Inbox SettingsAccess Inbox Settings
  2. Under Labels tab, in settings page, click on the On/Off buttons next to label names to turn off bundling.
    Inbox web version label settingsInbox web version label settings
  3. Done.

Disable Category Bundle on Android or iOS App

  1. Tap on menu icon from top-left corner and hit Settings.
  2. Choose your email account and then tap Label settings and notifications.
  3. Tap the label you want to disable and then hit On/Off button next to Bundle messages in inbox under Behaviour.
  4. That’s it.

Actually right now the whole Inbox interface and design is almost same across all platforms. I hope this simple guide helped you to prevent Inbox from bundling emails into groups.

Thanks to Naeem Abrar for mobile app screenshots as my phone is under service right now.


Jaber is a Programmer and Tech Enthusiast Geek from Dhaka, Bangladesh. He is the founder and Chief-Editor of TechGainer. While he is away from his keyboard, either he's fishing or messing with wildlife. In case, you can contact him at rijans[at]techgainer[dot]com.

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