How to Disable “This Program might not have Installed Correctly” Prompt on Windows 7 and Vista

While installing or running programs on windows, you must have seen a notifier prompt with the title “This program might not have installed correctly“. Actually this is a new feature on windows vista and 7 which is triggered by a windows service named “Program Compatibility Assistant(PAC)” when it find problems with programs supporting compatibility on current windows. In the warning window it also prints the message “If this program didn’t install correctly, try reinstalling using settings that are compatible with the version of windows“.

For explaining, When you try to install or run programs on windows 7 or vista the Program Compatibility Assistant actively monitors and detects the known compatibility issues with older programs. After you have run an older program(or older version of the program) on this current version of Windows, it immediately notifies you if there is a problem and offers to fix it the next time you run or install the program. Depending on the seriousness of the compatibility issue, the Program Compatibility Assistant might warn you or even block the program from running.

In the prompt, the program compatibility assistant offers you two choice. One is “Reinstall using recommended setting” and another is “This program installed correctly“. If you choose second one, no changes will be made either on program or computer. But choosing first one, No changes are made to the program itself but the Program Compatibility Assistant will try to resolve conflicts with User Account Control Or, it can run the program in a mode that simulates the earlier versions of Windows. The changes that Program Compatibility Assistant makes are done automatically.

How to Disable or Turn Off Program Compatibility Assistant(PAC) notification

Who installs different kinds of softwares very often on his computer, this feature can make him annoying and disturbs much(I also hate it like you). So you want to stop this unnecessary irritating message? To prevent program compatibility assistant from showing further errors, you just need to disable this service from Microsoft service management console. The program compatibility assistant service is also shortly termed as PcaSvc.

Step 1 # Click on windows start menu and search for “services.msc” without quotes. Now click on Services.msc to run it.

Step 2 # In the list of services, look for “Program Compatibility Assistant Service“.

Step 3 # Now double click on it. At the general tab’s Startup type section, select Disabled and click apply.

Now you are done. Because the service “Program compatibility assistant” will not start further. So you will not no more get the irritating message “This program might not have installed correctly”.


Jaber is a Programmer and Tech Enthusiast Geek from Dhaka, Bangladesh. He is the founder and Chief-Editor of TechGainer. While he is away from his keyboard, either he's fishing or messing with wildlife. In case, you can contact him at rijans[at]techgainer[dot]com.

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