In windows, in the control panel there is a program which is used to manage your installed programs on your computer. With this we can view or remove applications from compute. In windows XP, it is called “Add or Remove Programs” and in windows 7 it is called “Programs and Features”. The softwares which are installed manually on windows are listed in it. If we remove or uninstall any program from computer, then their names are removed from this application manager.

add or remove programs in windows xp
add or remove programs and features in windows 7

Now come to two terms.
1. Some times after removing a program, the name(entry) of the program will exist. Its a problem of registry. Because though you removed the program, its name is left in registry.

2. We may have to manually remove the name of any installed program from “add or remove programs” without uninstalling the program. Because you may wish to hide its name. So this term is, “How to hide any software or program name from ‘add or remove programs’ without uninstalling or removing it from computer”

Now if you want to do any of above two terms, you have to edit registry. So far I discussed that installed program names are stored on registry. Editing the windows registry settings is confusing, risky and hard to remember. So you have to use a program called “addremovecleaner.exe” which will list you the installed softwares on your system. And you can remove(hide)/clean up those names by using it. It actually edits registry.

Addorremove manager by inteliadmin

Addorremovecleaner is a freeware developed by intented to cleanup registry entrys of installed programs. It’s a freedom of yours to hide any program from “programs and features”
Download addorremovecleaner from here or here.


Jaber is a Programmer and Tech Enthusiast Geek from Dhaka, Bangladesh. He is the founder and Chief-Editor of TechGainer. While he is away from his keyboard, either he's fishing or messing with wildlife. In case, you can contact him at rijans[at]techgainer[dot]com.