As Facebook is made to enable people to communicate one anothere more closely, it launced many network and community features like groups. When a facebook group is created, group admins can add you to him/her group and all group activities, wall posts will be delivered to your facebook notification box. It’s very annoying to any facebook user even me. Because many groups on facebook get many group mambers and after I am added to that group, I frequently getting notification though they are not my subject. Also don’t forget to read how to stop any facebook application from automatically posting on you wall.
The problem is group admins can add their group without our confirmation. So if we feel that group very spammy we need to edit it’s notification setting to not get group updates in future.
How to Block Specific Groups from Sending you Notifications :
Step 1 : Go to Group’s page which disturbing you most. That group’s link can be found in your facebook’s notification box.
Step 2 : On the group’s page find out the button “Edit Settings“. Then do what I did and click save.
Now you are done. In further you will no more get spammy notifications from this facebook group.