We use our web browsers to browse to web pages/contents on the internet and use file managers/explorers to browser and open files or folders located on our local hard drive. But you may not know that you can use your web file browser as your own computer file browser and thinking of doing thing is not a bad idea.

Browse and Open Hard Disk files from Web Browser

Does it Necessary to Browse Computer Files by Web Browser?

You may take it as fun bucause you may think it is not necessary. But soon I will discuss you how necessary it is!

Does it Works for All Web Browsers?

It only don’t works with Apple Safari Browser when I tested it on windows using Safari for windows. Another thing is when you will try to do this with IE (Internet Explorer), IE will open your Default Explorer. Because IE is a part of windows. But except IE and Safari, I didn’t find any Problem with Other browsers like Mozilla Firefox, Google chrom, Opera etc.

Which Operating Systems Does it Support?

I tested it only on Windows, Linux, WinCE and Symbian OS. But this should work for all OSs. Soon I will inform you about it.

How to Do This Job or How Can I Put My Computer’s Hard Disk Address on Browser’s Address Bar?

To browser the files of our hard disk, we need to enter the addresses of our drives. It’s a bit different for windows and linux.
For Windows :
IF your want to browser “C” drive, then enter the address C: or file:///C:// in your browser address bar. Samely if your want oto explore “D” drive, then enter the address D: or file:///D:// in your browsers address bar.

Browsing E drive from firefox

Browsing E drive from firefox on windows

For Linux :
For any linux distro like Ubuntu, type the address file:/// in your browser address bar to list all locations on your linux. Now if your drive name is “RIJANS” then the address should be file:///media/rijans/ or if your drive name is TechGainer then address should be file://media/TechGainer/ . I tested these only on Debian-Ubuntu based distros. But this should work for all distros.

Browsing "rijans" named drive from firefox on Ubuntu Linux

Browsing “rijans” named drive from firefox on Ubuntu Linux

Those are all about browsing your local computer files or folders using web browser. Your valuable comments are appreciated.


Jaber is a Programmer and Tech Enthusiast Geek from Dhaka, Bangladesh. He is the founder and Chief-Editor of TechGainer. While he is away from his keyboard, either he's fishing or messing with wildlife. In case, you can contact him at rijans[at]techgainer[dot]com.