How to Limit Upload or Download Speed of Google Drive Client

Google drive is a cloud storage service by Google which gives you 15GB of free storage space to keep files along with data from Google’s services like Google+ photos, etc. Like other top popular online storage services, it also comes with desktop client which lets you seamlessly upload, download and sync files between your local and online storage of Google Drive.

As other cloud storage client applications, Google Drive also uploads files to server when you put files in Google Drive folder on your local storage of your system to keep files in sync. This requires utilization of your upload speed.

Limit Google Drive Speed rateLimit Google Drive Speed rate

The problem happens when you put a big file in Google Drive folder. Because, that time it tries to use maximum of your upload speed to upload the file to your online Google Drive. This means until the sync/upload process is finished, you will have trouble using your internet connection to browser web or do other works that requires internet. Limiting upload speed of Google Drive can solve this problem.

In early days of Google Drive client, it didn’t have option to limit upload or download speed inbuilt. That time, using a speed limiter program was a workaround. Fortunately, with latest releases of Google Drive software, Google added option to limit both download and upload speed for it. Proceed to see how to do it on Windows. The following guide is made on Windows 10.

Guide to Limit Google Drive’s Upload or Download Speed

  1. Right-click on Google Drive icon on System Tray.
    Right click on Google Drive system tray iconRight click on Google Drive system tray icon
  2. Click on three vertical dots of Settings icon and choose Preferences.
  3. In Preference window, under Advanced tab, you will find bandwidth settings to limit both upload and download rate.
  4. Set your limit and hit Apply. That’s it.

This is how you can throttle bandwidth of upload or download rate of Google Drive.


Jaber is a Programmer and Tech Enthusiast Geek from Dhaka, Bangladesh. He is the founder and Chief-Editor of TechGainer. While he is away from his keyboard, either he's fishing or messing with wildlife. In case, you can contact him at rijans[at]techgainer[dot]com.

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