This is a cool information I’m sharing with you! Have you ever thought of running your mobile phone programs , softwares, games on your windows XP or Vista or 7 Computer? Yes it is possible! The main thing you have to install a software( It’s actually emulator ) called “SJ Boy Emulator“. SJ Boy Emulator is the best J2ME emulator I have ever seen. Let’s take a tour for SJ Boy Emulator.

Since this program don’t have proper website, you have to download it from P2P file sharing website. Click here to download the file from Unzip the program. Install the program on your PC. Now run your program. You will see a window like below.

SJ Boy Emulator
This is the default window of SJ Boy Emulator which includes an N70 window. You can change this phone from skin toolbar which is located at the top of the window.
Now You are ready to run your Java/J2ME/Jar programs, softwares, games on it! What you need to do, just drag and drop your jar program on the window and then the program will run on the mobile just as real! You can use the mobile keypad to control the program or game.
For example I am running mig33 just like as follow..
sj boy emulator running mig33
For more, see I am playing Asphalt 3 Java game on another skin!
game on sj boy emulator
Note: Some people reported that their anti-virus claims this program as virus/Trojan/malware. Same things also happened to me! I am not sure whether it has virus/spyware or not. So use this program at your own risk.

I have heard about another program like sj boy emulator , which is called “NHAL Win32 Emulator”. NHAL Win32 Emulator is also an another emulator for running J2ME programs on windows PC. But I don’t have enough knowledge about that. So I will suggest you to use SJ Boy Emulator.

Note: Only j2me programs are allowed to run with these programs. Your mobile programs must to be have *.jar extension. For example MIG33.jar , asphalt_3_3d.jar etc. If you don’t see jar extension on your PC, then go to tools > folder options > view. In view tab you will see many options marked or unmarked. Look for the option “hide extensions for known file types”. Unmark it. Then click OK. Now you will able to see your all files extensions.
Enjoy the extensions. Dont forget to leave comment of your experience about SJ boy Emulator. Thanks


Jaber is a Programmer and Tech Enthusiast Geek from Dhaka, Bangladesh. He is the founder and Chief-Editor of TechGainer. While he is away from his keyboard, either he's fishing or messing with wildlife. In case, you can contact him at rijans[at]techgainer[dot]com.