Stop Facebook from Notifying Others when You are Friends with Someone

When you are newly friends with someone on Facebook, Facebook notifies your other friends with a title like “X is now friends with Y” on their news feed! In most of the time, it shouldn’t look pleasing to you and sometimes it could be embarrassing. When someone knows you are now friend with someone, it may break your privacy. Unfortunately Facebook didn’t make it easy to stop sending notification to others or not showing it your timeline. Though, you can still configure Facebook not to send info about newly added friend activity.

Spy tip: Automatically get notification when your loved one comes online on Facebook.

How to Stop Facebook from Notifying Others about your New Friend Activity

1. Go to your profile page by clicking on you name on Facebook. Then click on “Activity Log“.

2. Now from Activity Log page, click “Friends” from left-hand side (click “More” if you don’t see it).

3. In this page, click on the icon as shown below. Here you find three settings, “Highlights and Other Stories”, “New Friend Reports” and “Recent Activity” under “Friend activity can show up in”.

Leave all these unmarked(specially “New Friend Reports“)! Then hit okay! You are Done!

Notes: You can also configure “Who can see your friend list?” to show or block Friend list or New friend activity to particular people. These two settings are related. For example, if you set “Only Me” in  “Who can see your friend list?”, no one will be notified about your new friending activity, or see friend list! So if your friend list is set to public, everyone will able to see all of your friends by checking your profile, no matter they don’t get notification.

So now you no more have to worry about becoming friends with someone that you don’t want let others know!


Jaber is a Programmer and Tech Enthusiast Geek from Dhaka, Bangladesh. He is the founder and Chief-Editor of TechGainer. While he is away from his keyboard, either he's fishing or messing with wildlife. In case, you can contact him at rijans[at]techgainer[dot]com.

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View Comments (216)

  • I'm sure I'm not the first one to read and use your tip, but I thought I'd at least say thanks very much Jaber!

  • When i unchecked "New friend reports" that mean who has me add to close friends wont see when i accept some new friendship?
    I can do this in the similar way when i go to my profile then on the left side there will be my recently activity (i forgot how exactly writes) and if i click on "X" i choose "hide my activity from timeline" (i am not sure does it write in this way but something as that) this will hide too from all my friends including those who add me as close friend?

  • When i unchecked "New friend reports" that mean who had me add to close friends wont see when i accepted some new friendship?
    I can do this in the similar way when i go to my profile then on the left side there will be my recently activity (i forgot how exactly writes) and if i click on "X" i choose "hide my activity from timeline" (i am not sure does it write in this way but something as that) this will hide too from all my friends including those who add me as close friend?

  • Thanks friends it was really worth and time saving for me...
    i would like to know one more thing...
    can i hide mutual friends..?

  • This is amazing! Thanks for your tips! Now how about if I turn off "recent activity" will this stop notifying my recent group updates to friends/newsfeed?