by Jaber Al Nahian | 25 Jun, 2011 | GlobalPrimaryNav
When we try to run or install a program on our windows 7 or Vista, windows pop ups an “User Account Control” (UAC) notification which contains a security message asking something to do. If the computer knows the publisher of the program then the message...
by Joeljonathan | 17 May, 2011 | News
Windows 8 is the next version of the Windows operating system slated to be released. It is expected that this version will offer a number of exciting new features. These features incorporate various aspects from both the development side to the end user side of...
by Jaber Al Nahian | 29 Jan, 2011 | Windows
While working on windows, we need many programs or settings from time to time. But the problem is we don’t get our desired setting or program instantly while need it. But when we are on windows seven or vista, we need to remember that, it’s not windows XP!...