USB File Unhider – Unhide Files and Remove Shortcuts cause by Malware

USB File Unhider

Have you ever faced virus or malware problem that created multiple useless shortcuts on your pen-drive and hides all files and folders and changes their properties to system?

USB File Unhider is a simple but powerful free and open-source tool that can help you recover from this disaster and you can recover your files from your USB drive that you thought are deleted by virus. Though it’s not an antivirus, it should help you reveal all hidden files on any selected drive or directory. If you use this tool, you don’t need to use CMD window and write harsh commands to do these jobs.

USB File Unhider Program Window ScreenshotUSB File Unhider Program Window Screenshot

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  • Unhide files and folders by removing hidden and system attribute.
  • Option to choose any directory.
  • Remove junk shortcuts created my malware.
  • Remove autorun file that is used by malware.
  • Force mode (enable full access to files).

System Requirements:

  •  Windows Vista, 7, 8 or 8.1 (not tested on Windows XP).
  • .Net Framework 4 or higher.
  • Administrative privilege.

As and open source tool, if you think you can improve this application, you can contribute to the project. Head to sourceforge for project source.

Disclaimer: Some features may not work for some Windows system directories. TechGainer isn’t responsible for any kind of damage caused by this application.

Known Issue: Proceed button stays disabled if the destination is to long.

Release Notes:
Version 1.2.2: Improvements, Updated Help page. (25th September, 2014)
Version 1.2.1: Initial release 1.2.1. (9th September, 2014)

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